Working Papers

Demand for Green and Fossil Fuel Automobiles
F. Mandys and S. Taneja

Short Abstract Quantifying the demand dynamics for alternative fuel vehicles versus conventional vehicles, while accounting for consumer heterogeneity, price endogeneity, and realistic substitution patterns. A large vehicle dataset is constructed and a discrete-choice random-coefficient model (BLP) is applied.

Drivers of Solar Photovoltaic Panel Installation in the United Kingdom
S. Taneja and F. Mandys

Short Abstract Examining the key drivers that motivate consumers to install solar photovoltaic and solar water heating panels in the United Kingdom. The Understanding Society dataset is employed, and the binomial and ordered logit regressions are applied.

Digitalisation and Industrial Energy Demand
F. Mandys and S. Taneja

Short Abstract Analysing the effect of greater investment into information and communication technologies on industrial energy consumption across European countries.

ICT and Productivity in the Transport Sector
F. Mandys and D. Coyle

Short Abstract Examining the impact that information and communication technologies have on productivity and energy productivity in the UK transportation and warehousing sectors. Comparisons across various countries are made.

Energy Expenditure Among the Poor: Evidence from the Housing Benefits Claimants
F. Mandys, J. Špeciánová, and R. Jahoda

Short Abstract Research into the drivers and patterns of energy expenditure among the poorest households in the Czech Republic. The energy types examined include electricity and gas, differentiation is made between house owners and renters, and a unique large-scale dataset from the housing benefits claimants is used.

Filip Mandys © 2023