

Navigating Europe’s socio-economic crisis: The impact of inflation, the energy crisis, and the conflict in Ukraine on the Czech Republic and beyond   (2024)
F. Mandys, D. Adunts, B. Kurylo, R. Maialeh, and U. Unal | Palgrave Macmillan

Research Papers

Climate issues in portfolio investment decisions: A comparison of private equity and venture capital   (2024)
J. Block, L. Benz, H. Krämer-Eis, A. Botsari, F. Lang, and F. Mandys | Venture Capital

Search for an affordable clean car: Pricing of conventional and clean automobiles   (2023)
F. Mandys | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Response to “Low cost, uncertain value: Why cheap PV may still not become UK’s main power source”   (2023)
F. Mandys, M. Chitnis, and S. R. P. Silva | Patterns

Levelized cost estimates of solar photovoltaic electricity in the United Kingdom until 2035   (2023)
F. Mandys, M. Chitnis, and S. R. P. Silva | Patterns

Drivers of UK energy expenditure: Promoting efficiency and curbing emissions   (2022)
S. Taneja and F. Mandys | Energy Policy

The effect of disaggregated information and communication technologies on industrial energy demand   (2022)
S. Taneja and F. Mandys | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

EIF private equity mid-market survey 2022: Market sentiment and impact of the current geopolitical & macroeconomic environment   (2022)
H. Krämer-Eis, J. Block, A. Botsari, W. Diegel, F. Lang, D. Legnani, S. Lorenzen, F. Mandys, and I. Tzoumas | EconStor

EIF venture capital survey 2022: Market sentiment and impact of the current geopolitical & macroeconomic environment   (2022)
H. Krämer-Eis, J. Block, A. Botsari, W. Diegel, F. Lang, D. Legnani, S. Lorenzen, F. Mandys, and I. Tzoumas | EconStor

EIF business angels survey 2021/22: Market sentiment   (2022)
A. Botsari, S. Kupres, F. Lang, D. Legnani, and F. Mandys | EconStor

EIF private equity mid-market survey: Fund managers’ perception of EIF’s value added   (2021)
H. Krämer-Eis, A. Botsari, F. Lang, and F. Mandys | EconStor

Electric vehicles and consumer choices   (2021)
F. Mandys | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Policy Papers & Articles

The impact of the European energy crisis: The case of Czech Republic   (2024)
F. Mandys | University of Cambridge

Impact of selected government measures on Czech households   (2023)
R. Jahoda, V. Beran, F. Červenka, S. Höhne, R. Kyzlinková, F. Mandys, J. Paloncyová, J. Špeciánová, and R. Maialeh | RILSA

Household-specific energy expenditure and inflation in the Czech Republic   (2022)
F. Mandys | RILSA

Household-specific energy inflation in the Czech Republic   (2022)
F. Mandys | RILSA

Filip Mandys © 2023